Sunset Zones 3A and 3B Planting Guide
Genus / species: Picea engelmannii
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 150' x 60'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish-green needles, 1/2 - 1" long
Bark: Grayish or purplish-brown, thin & scaly
Fruit: Light brown papery cones, 1" - 2-1/2" long
Comments/tree care:
Densely branched
Slow growth rate
Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
Prefers fine, moist soils with good drainage
Long life span
Genus / species: Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 100' x 30'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Dark green needles, 1" - 1-1/2" long
Bark: Reddish brown, very thick when mature
Fruit: Reddish brown, 3" long oval shaped cones
Comments/tree care:
Sharply pyramidal form when young
Moderate growth rate
Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
Prefers coarse, well drained soils
Wind tolerant
Genus / species: Populus tremuloides
Family: Salicaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 60' x 15'
Flowers: Showy catkins in early spring
Leaves: Bright green rounded leaves
Bark: Smooth, whitish to gray, thin bark
Fruit: Woolly capsule enclosing 6 - 8 small hairy seeds
Comments/tree care:
Thin crowns that are oval to columnar
Fast growth rate
Yellow to red fall color
Good accent tree or in groups
Invasive roots, avoid planting near streets or water lines
Genus / species: Pinus ponderosa
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 120' x 30'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: 7" needles in bundles of 2, 3 or 5
Bark: Blackish to reddish plated
Fruit: Reddish-brown, 3" - 6" cones
Comments/tree care:
Columnar to rounded oval crown
Moderate-fast growth rate
Tolerant of most soils if well drained
Long lived
Drought tolerant
Allow for 30' x 30' planting area
Genus / species: Populus tremuloides
Family: Salicaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 60' x 15'
Flowers: Showy catkins in early spring
Leaves: Bright green rounded leaves
Bark: Smooth, whitish to gray, thin bark
Fruit: Woolly capsule enclosing 6 - 8 small hairy seeds
Comments/tree care:
Thin crowns that are oval to columnar
Fast growth rate
Yellow to red fall color
Good accent tree or in groups
Invasive roots, avoid planting near streets or water lines
Genus / species: Juniperus deppeana
Family: Cupressaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 25' x 20'
Flowers: inconspicuous
Leaves: Scale-like, bluish green
Bark: Gray with checkered pattern
Fruit: Bluish, berry-like, pea-sized
Comments/tree care:
Short, sturdy trunk
Slow growth rate
Suited for hot dry sites
Little maintenance
Produces large amounts of pollen
Genus / species: Picea pungens glauca
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 100' x 40'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish-gray or green, 1-1/2" long, stiff
Bark: Gray or brown and scaly
Fruit: Light brown papery cones, 2" - 4" long
Comments/tree care:
Densely branched
Slow growth rate
Pyramidal shape
Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
Sensitive to soil compaction
Drought sensitive
Genus / species: Quercus gambelli
Family: Fagaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 30' x 15'
Flowers: inconspicuous
Leaves: Dark green lobed leaves, 2" - 6" long
Bark: Gray or brown with thick scaly bark
Fruit: Egg shaped acorns
Comments/tree care:
Forms thickets from creeping root system
Very slow growth rate
Foliage turns yellow, orange or red in fall
Good landscape tree if you have time to wait
Genus / species: Acer saccharinum
Family: Aceraceae
Species characteristics
Size: 50' - 80' x 60' - 60'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Lobed 3" x 6", green top w/silver bottom
Bark: Silvery gray bark
Fruit: Double-winged samara, 1-1/4" x 2"
Comments/tree care:
Short, stout trunk
Fast growth rate
Train scaffold branches to wide crotch angles
Gold fall color
Ice and snow damage in colder zones
Genus / species: Acer saccharinum
Family: Aceraceae
Species characteristics
Size: 40' - 80' x 60' x 80'
Flowers: Inconspicuous spherical flowers
Leaves: Palmately veined, three to fi ve lobes, 4" - 8" wide
Bark: Grayish to white
Fruit: 1" bristly brown spheres on long stalks
Comments/tree care:
Recommended for park-like areas or large yards
Fast growth rate
Prefers rich, moist soil
Long lived
Needs ample water
Genus / species: Acer negundo
Family: Aceraceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 50' x 30' x 40'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Pinnately compound with 3-7 leaflets
Bark: Light gray brown bark
Fruit: Double-winged samara, 1-1/2" long
Comments/tree care:
Irregular shaped crown
Fast growth rate
Early yellow fall color
Tolerant of nearly all soils
Tolerates windy areas
Genus / species: Pyrus calleryana
Family: Rosaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 25' tall x 15' wide
Flowers: Small, 3/8" showy white flowers
Leaves: Dark green, glossy, leathery, oval
Bark: Dark gray with scaly ridges
Fruit: Small inedible
Comments/tree care:
Prune to create central leader
Moderate growth rate
Tolerates wind and frost
Roots are deep and spreading
Genus / species: Quercus rubra
Family: Fagaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 90' x 60'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Dark green, slender lobed 5" x 3"
Bark: Gray, smooth
Fruit: Large acorns up to 1-1/4"
Comments/tree care:
Young trees pyramidal, spreading when older
Moderate growth rate
Dark red, brown or orange fall color
Deep rooted
Recommended for large yards
Genus / species: Quercus rubra
Family: Fagaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 60' tall x 20' wide
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Evergreen. Needles in bundles of 2, 4" - 6" long
Bark: Gray bark
Fruit: 2" - 3" yellowish-brown cones
Comments/tree care:
Tolerant of moist soils if well drained
Moderate growth rate
Transplants easily
Tolerates cold, wind, salt and air pollution
Genus / species: Pinus edulis
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 30' x 15'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Needles in bundles of 2, 1" - 2" long
Bark: Gray to reddish brown bark
Fruit: Reddish brown, 2" long
Comments/tree care:
Round or oval crown with dense foliage
Slow growth rate
Prefers coarse, well drained soil
Susceptible to bark beetles when stressed
Nuts are prized by people and birds
Drought tolerant
Genus / species: Robinia pseudoacacia
Family: Fabaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 75' x 40' x 50'
Flowers: White, fragrant, pea-like in clusters
Leaves: Pinnate, 12" long with oval leaflets
Bark: Light gray to brown, thick
Fruit: Bean pods 4" long
Comments/tree care:
Open, sparse branching
Fast growth rate
Shallow, aggressive roots
Tolerant of coarse soils
Genus / species: Gleditsia triacanthos
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 35' - 70' x 20' - 50'
Flowers: Inconspicuous bell-shaped
Leaves: Bipinnately compound, 15 - 30 leaflets
Bark: Gray-brown or black
Fruit: 12" long seed pods
Comments/tree care:
Round spreading shape
Fast growth rate
Yellow fall color
Tolerates most soils if well drained
Light shade
Genus / species: Ulmus pumila
Family: Ulmaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 60' tall x 30' wide
Flowers: Insignificant flowers
Leaves: 1"-2" long, dark green, smooth
Bark: Dark gray bark with deep crevices
Fruit: Papery, winged seeds
Comments/tree care:
Resistant to Dutch elm disease
Moderate - fast growth rate
Suitable for difficult sites
Brittle wood
Genus / species: Cedrus atlantica
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 60' x 30'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish green 1" needles
Bark: Silvery gray and fissured
Fruit: Brown 3" cones
Comments/tree care:
Pyramidal when young, flat crown at maturity
Moderate growth rate
Tolerates most soils if well drained
Drought tolerant
Genus / species: Cupressus arizonica
Family: Cupressaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 40' - 50' x 20' x 25'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Dark green, scale like
Bark: Dark brown
Fruit: Smooth cone
Comments/tree care:
Tall pyramidal form
Fast growth rate
Heat and drought tolerant
Use as focal or accent plant
Genus / species: Celtis reticulata
Family: Ulmaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' x 30'
Flowers: Gray green, thick, rough
Leaves: Dark green, scalelike
Bark: Reddish brown to ash gray, rough
Fruit: 1/2" drupe, relished by birds
Comments/tree care:
Tall pyramidal form
Fast growth rate
Heat and drought tolerant
Use as focal or accent plant
Netleaf Hackberry makes for an excellent native shade tree in the urban areas of the Sonoran Desert.