Sunset Zone 12 Planting Guide
Genus / species: Acer saccharinum
Family: Aceraceae
Species characteristics
Size: 40' - 80' x 60' x 80'
Flowers: Inconspicuous spherical flowers
Leaves: Palmately veined, three to fi ve lobes, 4" - 8" wide
Bark: Grayish to white
Fruit: 1" bristly brown spheres on long stalks
Comments/tree care:
Recommended for park-like areas or large yards
Fast growth rate
Prefers rich, moist soil
Long lived
Needs ample water
Genus / species: Cedrus atlantica
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 60' x 30'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish green 1" needles
Bark: Silvery gray and fissured
Fruit: Brown 3" cones
Comments/tree care:
Pyramidal when young, flat crown at maturity
Moderate growth rate
Tolerates most soils if well drained
Drought tolerant
Genus / species: Celtis reticulata
Family: Ulmaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' x 30'
Flowers: Gray green, thick, rough
Leaves: Dark green, scalelike
Bark: Reddish brown to ash gray, rough
Fruit: 1/2" drupe, relished by birds
Comments/tree care:
Tall pyramidal form
Fast growth rate
Heat and drought tolerant
Use as focal or accent plant
Netleaf Hackberry makes for an excellent native shade tree in the urban areas of the Sonoran Desert.
Genus / species: Pistacia chinensis
Family: Anacardiaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 60' x 30' x 50'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Dark green, compound
Bark: Gray brown
Fruit: Red berry
Comments/tree care:
Rounded crown
Moderate growth rate
Brilliant fall color
Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
Genus / species: Ulmus parvifolia
Family: Ulmaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 35' x 35'
Flowers: Inconspicuous green
Leaves: Dark green, serrated
Bark: Reddish, peeling
Fruit: Flat, papery, winged samara
Comments/tree care:
Umbrella-like crown
Fast growth rate
Provides high, deep shade
Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
Accepts lawn conditions
Genus / species: Prosopis spp
Family: Fabaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 25' - 30' x 25' x 30'
Flowers: Yellow catkins
Leaves: Bipinnately compound oval leaflets
Bark: Dark reddish brown to black
Fruit: Tan pods, 5" - 7" long
Comments/tree care:
Wide crown
Fast growth rate
Good choice for shade
Limit water to control growth and wind throw
Edible seed pods
Genus / species: Pinus eldarica
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 60', 15' - 25'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Dark green needles in bundles of two
Bark: Reddish brown
Fruit: Cones 2" - 4" long
Comments/tree care:
Pyramidal shape
Fast growth rate
Uniform branching habit
Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
Drought tolerant
Genus / species: Acacia farnesiana
Family: Fabaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 20' x 20'
Flowers: Golden yellow puffballs
Leaves: Bipinnately compound 1" - 4" long
Bark: Reddish brown
Fruit: Dark brown woody pods 1" - 3" long
Comments/tree care:
Vase shaped
Moderate growth rate
Fragrant flowers
Likes deep soil with good drainage
Heat tolerant
Genus / species: Pinus eldarica
Family: Pinaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 60', 15' - 25'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Dark green needles in bundles of two
Bark: Reddish brown
Fruit: Cones 2" - 4" long
Comments/tree care:
Pyramidal shape
Fast growth rate
Uniform branching habit
Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
Drought tolerant
Genus / species: Olneya tesota
Family: Fabaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 25' x 25'
Flowers: Dusty lavender, pea shaped
Leaves: Gray green, bipinnately compound
Bark: Gray
Fruit: Tan pods with 1 - 4 edible seeds
Comments/tree care:
Rounded crown
Slow growth rate
Provides light shade
Prefers deep, well drained soil
Wood is so dense it does not float
Will not tolerate lawn conditions
Genus / species: Chilopsis linearis
Family: Bignoniaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 25' x 20'
Flowers: White, pink-purple tubular
Leaves: Medium green, 3" - 6" long
Bark: Dark gray
Fruit: Thin capsule with papery seeds
Comments/tree care:
Upright, sprawling form
Fast growth rate
Deciduous in winter
Tolerant of any well drained soil
Flowers are slightly fragrant
Attracts hummingbirds
Genus / species: Dalbergia sissoo
Family: Fabaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' x 50' x 30'
Flowers: Small, creamy pea-like
Leaves: Pinnate with 3 - 7 oval leaflets
Bark: Gray-brown, shaggy with age
Fruit: Tan, flattened
Comments/tree care:
Erect, open crown
Fast growth rate
Bright green leaves
Moderate to low water use
Prune to remove included bark